Exhibition Play

This Hallowen Sunday we will not have regular competitive league play 
Instead we will follow AATC rules for Exhibtion weeks.

Exhibition Weeks

If a Sunday falls on a date of a major holiday, sport event, or other memorable occasion for many players 
(such as Easter, Superbowl, Thanksgiving) so that more than 25% of the players are not expecting to be present 
- the scores for the week would not count. Instead the week would be considered "exhibition week" with 
players either self-arranging on courts or being scheduled randomly on the spot without recording the scores.

UPDATE: We have ~20 players who confirmed coming and ~15 who still need to confirm
If we have >24, but less than 30 players we will follow "server" out system. 
If we have more players, I will ask for volunteers to sit out in exchange for AATC vouchers